Creative Curriculum, an interactive teaching method, will focus on a series of disciplines that build upon one another, much like a ladder.  Using real life experiences to teach students, based on the idea that children are better to retain knowledge through personal experience and analytical thinking rather than memorization. The influence of Reggio Emilia considers the environment the "third teacher."  With that in mind, our teachers carefully plan and constantly refine the classroom environment to enhance learning.  The learning areas are alive and aesthetically pleasing. Our calm, comfortable spaces enhance children's learning in a variety of centers; art center, block center, dramatic play area, science and technology, sensory center, writing center, literacy center, social studies and more. 


At the heart of Garden State Academy Preschool of the Arts is our "Arts" program.  Children are naturally creative and derive much pleasure from involvement from the Arts.  Since Garden State Academy considers the Arts an integral part of our program, we have appointed an Art Director, who will provide our students with endless possibilities to create.  Throughout the school year our little artists will engage in open ended process art. They will be taught how to use all different types of materials and be encouraged to explore and create with these materials without an expected outcome. The Art room will be stocked with paint, paintbrushes, paper, crayons, glue, scissors, play dough, etc. for the children to use giving them the freedom to learn through exploration! Our Art program will allow children to choose their medium (water color, acrylic paint, crayons, collage materials, and more) but children will only be given primary colors, and must experiment to find the others. Teachers will observe your children to be able to see what stimulates each student the most. These observations will determine future planning for each artist. Preschoolers are way more interested in the "doing" part than they are in the actual product so keep in mind that while your child is engaged in their masterpiece they will also be working on their gross and fine motor skills, developing language, understanding math concepts, and even developing early reading skills!  Art will be generated in a variety of settings, including our classroom, learning centers and outdoor garden or yard.  We celebrate the children's creativity by promoting their art work as it is displayed throughout our school.  Each piece is accompanied by documentation on the child's thoughts about the piece. 

The Arts continue through Music and movement and will be provided daily as children engage in the Music Together curricula. Current research shows that music activities can play a powerful role in a child's development.  Literacy and language development are enhanced through this musical curricula.  Children will be exposed to singing, musical instruments, music of various genres including traditional, folk and classical. 


We believe that the best way to help children lead healthy and happy lives is by learning good habits early.  Because of this, health and nutrition is integrated into our program through hands-on lessons, cooking, gardening, yoga and exercise. Through active engagement in each activity, our students learn the benefits of eating, growing and selecting healthy foods, as well as staying fit and making good choices.  An example of this is how we have a hands-on, creative snack twice a week where the children learn about different foods, following recipes and taking part in making and trying new, healthy foods.   

Another component of our health and wellness curriculum is our gardening program which will allow children the opportunity to grow their own vegetables. Studies show if children grow their own vegetables, they will more likely have an interest in eating them!

The final element in our health and wellness program is incorporated through yoga and exercise.  Children engage in yoga daily as it offers an outlet for calm and enjoyable physical activities, led by a certified yoga instructor.

On a daily basis students actively participate in activities that nourish their mind & body which ignites each child’s passion for eating well and staying fit, ultimately preparing them for healthy and happy futures.

Garden State Academy Preschool of the Arts provides children with an opportunity to work at their own pace, in small groups, emphasizing differentiated instruction.  Developmentally appropriate practices are inspired from Reggio Emilia & Maria Montessori.




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