2017 EHT Street Hockey Scholarship Application is now available, click here to download. All applications must be postmarked on or before APRIL 15, 2017
ATTENTION ALL: The snack stand now accepts payment via
credit card or visa debit cards
Team Stand Money can now be purchased online in
$5.00 increments. Purchase below
You can now follow EHT Hockey on Twitter and Facebook
Click the logo below for our page or you can sign up for our news letters
If this is not received, your child will not be able to participate in games until it is received
If you are interested in being a Head Coach or Assistant Coach, you will need to be Kid Safe prior to the first practice, attend the township coaching course and attend a mandatory refereeing clinic prior to the start of the season.
Congratulations to Penguin B and Beaver B for winning the
2016 Championship in the JSHA League
Penguin B
Beaver B
All players are required to have the following equipment: Helmet, stick, gloves, elbow pads and shin pads. These items can be purchased at Ace Hardware-EHT,
Shore Hardware-Somers Point, Dicks Sporting Goods and/or Sports Authority-out by Hamilton Mall. All sticks must have a rubber or taped butt end. The butt end must be large enought to prevent the stick from going through the facemask.